
Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.” Hebrews 13:15

The word "sacrifice" is often understood as a giving up something costly, even a burden. Much of which has the sense of a negative. However in Hebrews, there is no negative sense of the word at all; "offer up a sacrifice of praise to God that is, the fruit of lips that confess His name" (Hebrews 13:15).

The sacrifice is one of "praise," - a verbal gratitude, to applaud, an approbation to something good and right. This the "fruit of lips," a good fruit that continually confess' Jesus Christ. Such fruitful confession comes from ones heart and out via the "lips." In other words, it is audible, spoken, from the heart through the mouth to the ears - to our own ears or that of others and certainly to God's.

Center Praise

Within the context of the book of Hebrews, the center of all praise is Jesus Christ. William Newell points out in his commentary: "In Hebrews as in no other book, is set forth a believing human being left here for a few years of pilgrim existence as to earth, but really occupied with Heaven, with the throne there . . . with the Great High Priest there, Jesus, the Son of God." Our minds are to be heavenward at all times.

Christians are to see Christ's hand in everything. In other words, to be any earthly good, we must view all of life through the lens of heaven. Beginning with our redemption and expanding to and reaching every aspect of life. From mountain hikes to witness the marvel of His creation, to human events good or bad.

Our minds and thoughts are to be so permeated with Jesus Christ, that praise will naturally flow from our lips. "Such sacrifices God is pleased" (Hebrews 13:16b). These are the Christian priorities, they are eternal priorities.


In The Beginning, Marriage


Sovereignty part 4 - Answers to the Unanswerable