Founders Ministries

Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches. The Sword & Trowel is a weekly podcast with Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden.

Found by Dr. Joe Boot, the Ezra Institute is a confessional evangelical think-tank and worldview training organization. Our purpose is the preservation and advancement of the truth, freedom and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Grace to You

Unleashing God’s Truth One Verse at a Time. As believers committed to God and walking in obedience to Him, we affirm the purpose of Grace to You, which is to teach biblical truth with clarity, taking advantage of various means of mass communications to expand the sphere of John MacArthur’s teaching ministry.


Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide resources that nurture faith, stimulate thought, and inspire a deeper understanding of God and His Word. We invite you to explore our collection and discover books that enlighten and challenge.

The Doctrine for Life Podcast presents weekly sermons from the preaching ministry of the Rev. Dr. Joel R. Beeke. Listen to these biblical, Christ-exalting broadcasts to experience the truth of God's Word for real life.

Doctrine for Life Dr Joel Beeke

A bi-weekly podcast featuring Aaron Edwards and Andy Bannister. Each episode sees the two friends take a contemporary issue in culture and explore it from a Christian perspective.

Pod of the Gaps


Founding in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier has been a fellowship of teachers dedicated to making the deep truths of the Christian faith accessible to growing believers. For more than fifty years, God has raised up many gifted pastors and theologians to apply the teachings of the Bible and Reformed theology.

RHB’s mission is, by the Spirit’s grace, to aim for the conversion of unbelievers and equip the saints to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry, via books, tracts, and other resources.

G3 provides resources in the form of online articles, podcasts, expository preaching workshops, biblical worship workshops, and local church based curriculum for Sunday school and small groups.


Desert Ridge Baptist Church

DRBC is committed to the faithful exposition of Scripture and the doctrines of grace. Jason Harris pastor-teacher. We believe that the local church is God’s institution that he has designed to carry out the great commission on earth.

We are committed to the following: Unifying around Core Doctrine. Sharing cultural convictions in alignment with orthodox doctrine and historical Christianity. Engaging culture and restoring truth to the public squares.