Psalm 139 part 5 - Is There Any?

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way" (Psalms 139:23-24).

Even though this is the fifth post on Psalm 139, this Psalm does need to be read as a whole. The Psalmist writes progressively, there is a flow to his thoughts, a logical movement leading to these last verses. He just laid out in wonderful detail the sovereignty of God. By right as Creator, He owns His creation, He knows intimately His creation, He cares for and embraces His creation, He is ever-present and near to His creation. He loves His creation.

Search Me

Arriving to this point, the Psalmist reveals a heart attitude. Verses 23-24 like verses 19-22 is a response to his knowledge of Yahweh. John Calvin writes concerning this attitude: "As I hate the wicked in their way, so would I hate every wicked way in myself." So, the Psalmist moves from indignation regarding the wicked, to humble understanding regarding himself. He knows he has and will fall short of his love for Yahweh. This along with the real possibility there is hidden sin in his life. Sin he is not fully aware of. He understands that God knows his heart, yet he asks God to "search" him and "know [his] heart."

This is the desire of one who knows they are loved. It is the want to be right with God. This is love returned. We see here a vivid contrast of attitudes - those "Speaking against," who do not want God's love and the plea, "see if there be any hurtful way in me." Prideful rejection and that of humble obedience.

These final verses are written in open submission, showing the right response of a person's heart, the wanting and the willingness to be "lead ... in the everlasting way."


Not So Secret Secret


Psalm 139 part 4 - Love Will Hate