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What is Peace?

Peace is a common word that most people when asked, could give you a reasonable definition.

Looking to the dictionary, such as Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, you will find peace typically defined as the freedom from something: disturbance or agitation, war or quarrels, fear or terror, and may include anger or anxiety. Webster does include, “Harmony; concord; a state of reconciliation between parties at variance.” This is the closest to the Romans 5:1 use of this word: "Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).


Often the case in God’s Word, using only a few words, a profound truth is given. The word peace, is not merely the absents of something or freedom from a negative, rather a result: “Having been justified by faith, we have peace.” Here we see peace is a consequence of justification. However, this only get us part way in our understanding. The results of “justified by faith” points to what is gained, “peace with God.” Here the fullness of peace is stated by the word “with.” This verse conveys a present reality, a state of being, a current condition of peace with another. This speaks to that which is authentic and everlasting, actual and real, a conscious peace. The focus is squarely on our Creator which makes it the most profound kind of peace.

Looking ahead a few verses to Romans 5:11, we discover this entire section is about peace in all its fullness. “We also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.” Peace comes from reconciliation. All that stood in the way of peace is removed. This is not man making peace with God, this is all about God making peace with man. This "reconciliation" is God initiated and replete.

We Have

The wonder of these words from verses 1 through 11, go deeper than merely having peace from God, rather point to that which is far greater. A restored relationship, one of harmony, were man is made right with Yahweh his Creator. Now, “we have peace with God.” This gives life purpose and meaning and joy. The creational unity of the Creator and creature is made right.

An important note, this peace is far more than a feeling. You could say, it is a settled reality. Perhaps it compares to a resolved disagreement between husband and wife. Sure there is a pleasant feeling, but more important the intimacy of the relationship restored, there is harmony once again. The Christian has a sense from within his or her heart, what was once wrong, is made right. This is where “you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29b). Every word Jesus spoke, speaks of peace.

Looking at the whole of verse 1, “having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is easy to see how encouraging these words are for the Christian. Why? Because it is surrounded by an act of love. Again, reading a little further ahead in this chapter, “God demonstrates His own love toward us” (Romans 5:8). God proves with certainty - He demonstrates by His act of love toward us. All is from God, the faith, the justification, the restoration, the reconciliation and peace, all demonstrate love, that which is directed to His chosen children.


Then we come to the capstone of this truth. Because of Jesus, we can experience the full extent of this peace. Jesus is the expression of love. “God through our Lord Jesus Christ” accomplished all of this. It is on account of Jesus Christ, because of Him, intimacy and harmony may be restored. This is good news! But, this leads to a vital question: why was this necessary? What cause the separation? How was peace lost?

The answer truly is a simple one, sin. Our sin irrevocably broke this relationship. It was us who caused the divorce from Yahweh, the Holy God. But, “God through our Lord Jesus Christ” provided a path, a means to return to what is right and good. “Having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him” (Romans 5:9). This is proof positive that we now have peace with God. All because, Jesus provided what we could never do on our own, atonement for an evil life.

Begin Here

It is here we find the words of Job helpful: “I reject myself, And I repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Here is a man who understood his helpless state of sin. One he could not fix apart from outside help. Job was a man who understood his plight and shows us where the restoration begins; “I reject myself, And I repent.” He saw nothing good in himself, nothing that could redeem him. For each of us, this is where peace begins. A hold nothing back, completely open to the very fact we have sinned greatly against our Creator.

It is here we will understand the wonder of these words: “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). This is what each man, woman and child must grasp and understand. Our help comes by way of faith. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the beginning of peace and the sustainer of that peace. And, the only means by which sinners can be restored and once again live in harmony with their Creator God.

This is peace, true and real peace. There is only one way to have such peace, come to Jesus Christ!